Our GPs do not take telephone calls during scheduled appointments, except in the case of an emergency or where it is clinically necessary to do so. For this reason, our reception team record all telephone enquiries and forward them to the relevant GP/Nurse for a timely response.
Patients must attend an appointment with a GP in order to get their scripts. If you are on regular medication, consider asking your usual GP if you are able to obtain repeat prescriptions. This may not be appropriate for certain medications or conditions that require regular monitoring.
Our GPs do not notify results over the phone. If you have been referred for further investigations, like pathology or scans, remember to book a follow up appointment before you leave the clinic. If we receive results that require discussion or treatment and you do not already have an appointment, our reception staff will contact you either by text, phone call or post. For this reason it is important we have your up to date contact details
Your health information is held in accordance with the Privacy Act 1988 and our clinic employs a range of operating procedures and security tactics to maintain the high level of confidentiality expected in the health industry. Only the patient, or the parent of a patient under the age of 16, may access their health records. With your expressed written consent, a third party might access your information, for example you want your records transferred to a new practice. Alternatively if your GP refers you to a specialist or hospital service, they may need to attach supporting information like test results or reports to ensure your continuity of care. You should always be given a copy of any referrals for your own records
If you have a problem we would like to hear about it. We take your concerns, suggestions and complaints seriously. Please address any feedback to the Practice Manager:
P.O. Box 594,
Thuringowa Central QLD 4817
We feel that most things can be handled within the practice, however should you feel you have not received an appropriate response or resolution you may contact the Office of the Health Ombudsman on the details provided below;
The Office of the Health Ombudsman
PO Box 13281 George Street, Brisbane Qld 4003
Phone: 133 OHO (133 646)